majority, minority caucus chairperson:
member of organization committee
9 (3)
definition95 (54)
question, how stated75 (1)(b)
subsequent recall of proposal for further action 23 (3), 51
Personal privilege61 (2)
precedence of question65 (1)(h)
question of, interrupts debate57 (1)(b)
question of, may be raised while member is
speaking57 (1)(b), 61 (2)
Personalities to be avoided in debate56 (1)
definition of "petition"95 (55)
delivered to chief clerk34, 37 (1)
information required: communicating person,
member introducing, subject matter
37 (1)
withdraw proposal from committee, requirements 15 (3), (4)
Pledge of allegiance31
Point of order:
advisement, may be taken under62 (3)(b)
expansion of question permitted69 (4)
appeal of ruling:
debatable62 (7)
member may62 (6)
roll call required62 (7)
definition of "point of order" 95 (56)
interrupts debate57 (1)(c)
member limited to speaking once62 (2)
overruling presiding officer requires
majority vote of members present and voting
62 (7)
presiding officer may speak in preference to others 62 (3)
presiding officer may vote on appeal62 (7)
question on appeal of ruling, how stated 62 (6)
raised while member is speaking, may be 57 (1)(c)
time for ruling on62 (3m)
timely only when raised before question is decided 62 (4)
Postpone, not permitted twice on same day at same stage
of proposal72
Postpone to day or time certain:
not permitted in special, extended, or extraordinary
93 (5)
precedence of motion to65 (2)(c)
Prayer beginning daily sessions5 (1)(i), 31
Precedence of motions65
Precedent (definition)95 (57)
Presiding officer, see also Speaker, Speaker pro tempore
amendment, rules on admissibility when germaneness
is questioned54 (2)
announces order that members may speak (no appeal)56 (2)
appeal of ruling by (roll call required) 62 (7)
biennial session, inauguration day:
business before assembly, announces3m (1)(b)
chamber, maintains order,
decorum, and quiet in
3m (1)(f), 6 (1)(g)
chief clerk of preceding session presides 5 (1)(a)
daily sessions, calls to order3m (1)(a)
legislative reference bureau chief presides when chief clerk
of preceding session not available
5 (1)(a)
call of assembly, state question83 (4)
debate, maintains order during3m (1)(e)decides who has the floor (no appeal) 56 (2)
decorum, quiet, and order, preserves3m (1)(f), 26 (1)
definition95 (57m)
disturbances in chamber, instructs
sergeant at arms
3m (1)(f), 6 (1)(g)
fiscal estimate, order legislative fiscal bureau to prepare99
germaneness of amendment, rules on when questioned54 (2)
joint survey committee, may refer proposals
to one or more simultaneously with
referral to standing committee
42 (1)(b), 45 (4)
member designated by presiding officer may preside
temporarily4 (3)
messages from other branches of government, receives3m (1)(h)
motions, stated and put by3m (1)(c), 63
order, quiet, and decorum, preserves3m (1)(f), 26 (1)
parliamentary procedure, informs
members on3m (1)(g), 57 (1)(e)
presides over assembly3m (1)(a)
points of order, rules on3m (1)(g), 62 (3), (3m)
advisement, may take under62 (3)(b)
expansion of question permitted69 (4)
time for ruling62 (3m)
proposal, refers to standing committee, special committee,
next calendar, or rules committee
on rules
29 (1), 42, 45, 89 (2)
question for current action, stated by75
quiet, decorum, and order, preserves3m (1)(f), 26 (1)
recognition of members seeking floor, decides
order of (no appeal)56 (2)
rereferral to committee45
respect to26 (2)
roll call vote:
may order on any question3m (1)(d), 76 (3)
required, when, see also Quick Finder
votes and is recorded in78
speaking: member not to cross or leave floor 26 (2)
speaker and speaker pro tempore: election, term of office 1
temporary, elected when speaker, speaker pro tempore,
majority leader, assistant majority leader, and
majority caucus leader are absent
4 (2)
votes and is recorded on all roll call votes 78
announces results of3m (1)(c)
roll call, may order on any question3m (1)(d), 76 (3)
roll call required, when, see also Quick Finder
states question75
Press, radio, and TV representatives admitted to floor of
assembly when engaged in reporting proceedings
25 (3)
Printed documents, consent required to read from 59 (3), 90 (2)